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Our Integrated Management System Policy
To provide reliable, quality products that always meet customer demands, comply with current legislation requirements;
● To comply with and continuously improve the existing integrated management system conditions,
● To continuously increase the satisfaction of our customers and employees,
● To work to reduce scrap and waste, taking into account the limited resources of our world ,
● To work in accordance with the Environment and Occupational Safety Legislation,
● To reduce waste at its source, to prevent pollution It is our company's policy to carry out studies,
● To protect natural resources by providing energy efficiency,
● To ensure that our employees work in a safe work environment, to prevent occupational accidents.

The management considers it its duty to allocate resources for the realization of this policy and undertakes to fulfill the applicable conditions.
It is the right of all our employees to work in our company and be proud of their work.

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Bribery and Corruption Policy
Tosunoğlu Textile, as an indication of its sensitivity to business ethics, has prepared a policy of fighting against bribery and corruption.

Bribery and corruption can take place in many different ways, including:
a. Cash payments, Political or other donations,
b. Commission,
c. Facilitating payments,
d. Social rights,
e. Gifts, representations and entertainments contrary to the General Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct,
f. Recruitment of a relative,
g. Other interests,
h. Promotion etc. countable.

Within the scope of the principles set forth in this Policy, we undertake to carry out our activities in a fair, transparent, honest, legal and ethical manner.
Although we are extremely sensitive about fighting bribery and corruption, we are against bribery and corruption, and we do not tolerate activities involving bribery and corruption.
In this respect, offering, implying, receiving or giving a bribe is unacceptable.
We adopt as a principle not to continue the business relationship with third parties who want to work with Tosunoğlu Textile through bribery.
Our employees will not be penalized for delay or loss of earnings resulting from their refusal to give or receive bribes.
We comply with local and country laws, regulations and principles regarding the fight against bribery and corruption.
In the sector in which we operate, we comply with the OECD Convention on the Prevention of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and other anti-bribery and anti-corruption legal regulations against bribery and corruption.

Public Relations
It is unacceptable to undertake or imply to give any gift and/or thing of value, to make any kind of indirect or direct payment to a Public Official for the purpose of influencing an official action or decision. In addition, our employees may not bribe public officials, directly or indirectly, in order to gain benefits in public affairs. For this reason, our employees are obliged to act in accordance with our company's Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy.

Agreements and Tenders
As Tosunoğlu Textile, we take care to comply with this policy in the agreements we are involved in, in case of initiation or continuation of a business relationship, and in public or non-public tenders. In addition, as Tosunoğlu Textile, we expect to act in accordance with this policy in company mergers and acquisitions and joint venture processes, and the companies that are the target of these processes or the companies that we work with will also act in accordance with this policy.

Facilitation Payments
As Tosunoğlu Textile, we do not allow facilitating payments to secure or accelerate a routine transaction or process (permit, license, tender procedures, etc.) with public institutions.

Donation and Gift
Our employees cannot accept or offer any gift that would harm their independence in their relations with public employees, customers, suppliers and other business partners. We take care not to cause situations that may cause or be perceived as a conflict of interest, and not to offer or accept gifts in such cases.

The matters that our company has to comply with regarding the accounting system are regulated within the framework of the relevant legislation and regulations:
a. All kinds of accounts, invoices and documents related to relations with third parties (customers, suppliers, other service providers, etc.) are recorded and preserved in a complete, transparent, precise, fair and accurate manner,
b. Establishing internal control systems to prevent unregistered transactions,
c. We take care not to make any changes to the accounting or similar commercial records of any transaction and not to deviate the facts.

Tosunoğlu Textile may carry out representation and hosting activities in order to improve its commercial relations and to establish a commercial communication network. We strive to make these event activities reasonable. We make sure that representation and entertainment do not occur prior to the process of making a fundamental and important decision.

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Social Compliance Policy
This policy; Tosunoğlu Textile emphasizes our corporate social responsibility principles and the importance and priority of the issue for our management, employees and all our stakeholders. Tosunoğlu Textile as a part of its core values and principles, it accepts acting with social responsibility awareness in all its activities as one of the basic and unchangeable elements of its management approach. Believing that corporate social responsibility principles are among the sine qua non of sustainable development, Tosunoğlu Textile accepts providing value to the society in which it lives as one of its main areas of responsibility.

Our basic principles on which we base our social responsibility practices are as follows;
Tosunoğlu Textile Corporate Social Responsibility Principles
1. Human
Rights We respect Human Rights. We are against forced labor. We treat everyone equally and fairly. We act sensitively to the traditions and cultures of Turkey and the countries in which we operate, and act in accordance with all legal regulations.
We do not accept discrimination among employees based on language, race, color, gender, political opinion, belief, religion, sect, age, physical disability and similar reasons.
Tosunoğlu Textile, we believe that all of our employees have the right to work in a healthy and safe environment, in working conditions that comply with human dignity. Our employees are our most valuable asset, and ensuring and protecting the safety of our employees is our top business goal.
We believe that our human resources are the most important element of sustainable growth. We ensure that our employees' personal rights are fully and correctly used. We approach our employees honestly and fairly, and we are committed to a non-discriminatory, safe and healthy working environment.
We expect our suppliers to continue their activities in accordance with the relevant legal requirements and Tosunoğlu Textile Ethical Principles and Rules. In this context; fulfill their legal obligations, respect human rights, protect employee rights and the environment, etc. We ensure that they comply with the standards. We support them to act in accordance with the principles of business ethics and anti-corruption.

2. Working Conditions
2.a. Prevention of Child Labor Child labor
cannot be employed at any stage of production.

2.b. Wages and Social Services, Working Hours
wages and social services; The minimum wage is determined in accordance with the basic principles applicable to overtime and social services mandated by law. Working hours comply with applicable laws. Overtime is only done when the employee volunteers.

2.c. The Right to Work Freely
Forced or compulsory labor is prohibited. Employees have the right to terminate the employment contract within an appropriate time frame.

2.d. Freedom of Assembly and Union
Our employees can discuss working conditions with the management without fear of negative consequences of any kind. It has the right to join a trade union, to appoint a representative or to be elected as a representative by uniting among them.

2.e. Health and Safety
The institution ensures the safety and health of its employees in the workplace, at least within the framework of the law, and strives to continuously improve the work environment.

3. Business Ethics
3.a. Anti-Corruption
The highest level of integrity is expected in all business activities and dealings. All forms of corruption, bribery, blackmail and abuse are strictly prohibited.
Tosunoğlu Textile does not tolerate the exchange of money and gifts to influence the behavior of another person, organization, politician, government employee or office for the sake of commercial and personal benefit in any way. It will not allow bribery even in countries where bribery is tolerated.

3.b. Prohibition of Discrimination
It is forbidden to discriminate against employees of any kind. This includes putting people at a disadvantage because of their gender, race, social group, color, disability, union, political opinion, origin, religion, age, pregnancy.

3.c. Compliance with Laws and Legislation
Tosunoğlu Textile's working understanding is based on compliance with international agreements and other internal regulations, which have become a part of our domestic law by being enacted, primarily national legislation.

We also expect our employees to respect and adapt to the local culture and values in which we operate. In our relations with legal regulatory institutions and organizations; We are sensitive about open, full, accurate and timely communication, and we approach all domestic and foreign institutions and organizations without discrimination while fulfilling our activities and legal obligations.

4. Informing and Training of Employees We inform
our employees at all levels working within Tosunoğlu Textile about the Ethical Principles and Rules and their responsibilities regarding these principles as part of the employment conditions. We convey our Ethical Principles and Rules to every newly recruited employee through the orientation program.

5. Social Responsibility, Volunteering, Donations
In accordance with Tosunoğlu Textile's social responsibility approach, in order to act in accordance with business ethics; We act sensitively to the problems of the society and contribute to their solution. It takes part in sustainability projects that will contribute to the life and development of the society, and provides donation support; We enrich social life by supporting cultural, artistic, scientific and

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Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Tosunoğlu Textile sees its employees as its most important value in its efforts to achieve competitive advantage and achieve its strategic goals in line with its main task. It has adopted the principle of creating a healthy and safe work environment and taking the necessary precautions for its employees and anyone who is on the factory site for work, internship or visit.

To create a healthy and safe work environment;
• Follows the developments related to Occupational Health and Safety, complies with the provisions of the current legislation and fulfills its contractual obligations.
• In order to prevent injuries and health deteriorations related to its activities, it determines and analyzes the occupational health and safety risks of its activities and takes measures to reduce the risks.
• It carries out the necessary training and information activities so that its employees and everyone who is on the factory site for work, internship or visit are aware of their individual or corporate responsibilities.
• It continues its activities in accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. It creates targets and management programs in order to continuously improve the Occupational Health and Safety System and Occupational Health and Safety performance, monitors the results, and initiates the necessary preventive actions in case of deviations from the targets.

1. Personal Protective Equipment and Its Uses
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which must be used by all our employees for occupational safety, is provided free of charge by our company. Personal protective equipment is given to the personnel in return for embezzlement. Ensuring the use of Personal Protective Equipment by employees and monitoring daily or weekly use is the responsibility of the relevant department manager.

2. Dangerous Machines and Devices
Any machinery, device, etc., whose use is dangerous enough to require special training and skills. Warning signs should be placed on them. The use of dangerous machines and devices is prohibited by personnel who have not received special training or been informed. It will be ensured that the necessary operations are carried out in accordance with the written instructions of the specially authorized or authorized personnel and by using/wearing the necessary occupational safety auxiliary equipment and/or personal protective equipment.

3. Work Accidents and First Aid In
cases of work accidents and other illnesses, the following actions are generally taken;
The first or closest personnel to see the accident takes the necessary protective measures at the accident scene and informs the other employees. If the person who has had an occupational accident is suitable, he is immediately taken aside from the accident scene and the first aid team, if his situation is appropriate, is given the first response. After that, if the condition of the casualty is available, he is taken to the nearest health institution. If the accident is seriously injured or dead, help is requested from the nearest health institutio

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Environmental Policy
Tosunoğlu Textile based on the concept of "sustainable development", we direct our work with the aim of minimizing the environmental impacts caused by all our activities and contributing to the protection of the environment.

We take into account the follow-up of legal and international legislation in all activities to be carried out.

Based on this vision, we renew ourselves and adopt the following principles;
1. To ensure continuous development and improvement by meeting all legal and customer requirements related to environmental aspects.
2. To ensure the protection of natural resources by reducing the use of raw materials by using appropriate technologies that cause the least harm to the environment within the framework of technical and economic possibilities.
3. To consider environmental effects in plant and process design.
4. To carry out studies to improve our environmental management system.
5. To raise awareness of all our employees, subcontractors and the surrounding community about our responsibilities to the environment and ensure their participation.
6. To be in constant communication with suppliers and customers in order to improve the environmental effects of the product.
7. To evaluate recycling and re-evaluation alternatives by reducing the wastes that may occur as a result of production, transportation, stocking, operation, treatment and maintenance activities.
8. To create health, safety and environmental integrity by reducing emergency risks that may occur within the framework of occupational health and safety rules.
9. To minimize the use of natural resources as a result of our continuous improvement efforts.
10. To continuously increase our environmental performance and to consider the environmental impacts in our new investments.
11. To monitor, manage and report greenhouse gas emissions transparently in order to reduce the effects of global climate change.
12. To support environmental awareness and information sharing for the development of society.

Together with all our employees, we are committed to continuing our efforts and investments to fulfill the requirements of this policy and our environmental responsibilities.

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Our Human Resources Policy
In line with the Strategic Objectives of the Company;
• High job satisfaction and sense of belonging,
• Adopting sustainability awareness,
• Attracting and developing talents as a talent hunter,
• Having a performance-based fair wage system,
• Honoring and rewarding employees who add value to the company,
• Falling in love with inside employees, preferred by outside potentials. An attractive company can be achieved with integrated human resources systems based on target and competency.

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Our General Management Policy
In line with our company's priorities, in order to improve the quality of life of our stakeholders;
• Sensitive to the environment and people in every activity it performs, able to conduct risk analysis and risk management and work proactively in this direction,
• Take fast, accurate and timely effective decisions,
• Use initiative within the framework of its competence,
• Open to innovative and solution-oriented ideas of employees,
• Prone to teamwork,
• Having a reliable structure,
• Systematic, working with and analyzing data,
• Having coach-like leadership competencies and enabling the training of people who can be leaders in a way that is sensitive to the environment and people, ensure the sustainability of the agile organization.

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Our Financial Affairs and Financing Policy
Maximizing the value of the business by ensuring that the company resources are used effectively in the right place, at the right time and in the right amount in order to compete in market conditions

To ensure that it acts according to this budget and to follow the realizations with the budget and to direct the departments

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Our Sales and Marketing Policy
By supporting our sales activities, which are the starting point of our dynamics, with design and R&D studies;. Target market; determining on the basis of country, customer segment and product. Finding customers suitable for the machine park in the target market. Acting with the awareness of applying products and strategies that are suitable for customers by segmenting them. Pricing according to the win-win principle in line with budget targets. Focusing on total profitability with operations based on turnover and profit. Our Sales and Marketing Policy is to ensure the continuity of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Our Customer Relationship Management Policy
In all communications of the sales and marketing team with customers, it is our priority to establish a relationship of trust, interest, time and respect.

In this direction;
• To maintain our sincerity with our customers, to control all their information with the principle of confidentiality, to constantly renew this information kept in information systems with the CRM-Customer Relationship Management System
• To carry out different activities and one-to-one customer visits in order to keep our relations with our customers constantly up-to-date.
• Our Customer Relationship Management Policy is to act according to the understanding that everyone who visits our company deserves «Tosunoğlu Hospitality».

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Our Purchasing and Supply Policy
Our company, which determines the sustainability and efficiency strategy as the main components of this policy, together with all its stakeholders in the supply chain;
1. Searching for new suppliers and auditing existing suppliers in order to realize more efficient production,
2. Evaluating all supply alternatives in order to be competitive and innovative, carrying out the necessary studies for the improvement of existing suppliers,
3. In order to make quality production just in time, specialized, honest, SUSTAINABLE and Our Purchasing and Supply Policy is to aim to work with suppliers who attach importance to TRACEABLE production and have achieved international standards,
4. To work with suppliers who care about Tosunoğlu Textile Ethical Principles and rules in the supply chain and outsourcing and comply with the budget structure.
5. We attach importance to the follow-up of sustainability criteria in our supply chain, and we take care to spread awareness by following our suppliers' sustainability developments, information and audits.

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Our Production Management Policy
Producing the products in the desired quality, on time and in the right amount at the first time, in compliance with occupational health & safety and with an environmentally conscious awareness, taking into account customer satisfaction,
Balancing the stock turnover rate in order to increase efficiency,
Using advanced technology at every stage of production and working with competent personnel,
Seeing everything as waste and raising teams to eliminate waste points is the guarantee of our sustainability.

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Sustainability Policy
Tosunoğlu Textile Sustainability Policy;
Being aware of the responsibility of leaving a more livable world to future generations, aiming to create value for all our stakeholders by considering social and environmental responsibilities as well as creating economic value, In order to ensure sustainability; Being aware that sustainable economy, sustainable environment and sustainable society principles should be managed in a balanced way,
And based on this understanding,
We aim to improve all our activities, with a corporate management approach that is based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Tosunoğlu Textile Ethical Principles and Rules, transparently and continuously to see realization as our priority,
To create continuous and increasing value for our stakeholders with our risk management model, which aims to transform risks into opportunities by prioritizing our social, environmental and economic impacts while realizing our strategic plans.

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Energy Management Policy
As Tosunoğlu Textile, we aim to increase our efficiency and reduce energy consumption in line with the systematic monitoring and management of our energy use in all our activities. For this purpose, we aim to establish, implement and maintain the energy management system with the aim of small and continuous improvement in energy efficiency.

In line with this goal;
• To establish the appropriate energy management system by determining the legal requirements, obligations determined by the contracts and technical requirements,
• To form the ladder of continuous improvement by monitoring and reporting energy consumption,
• To increase the use of renewable energy resources,
We are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
• Increasing energy efficiency awareness of all our employees.

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About Us / Policies

Our Integrated Management System Policy

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Bribery and Corruption Policy

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Social Compliance Policy

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Occupational Health and Safety Policy

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Environmental Policy

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Our Human Resources Policy

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Our General Management Policy

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Our Financial Affairs and Financing Policy

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Our Sales and Marketing Policy

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Our Customer Relationship Management Policy

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Our Purchasing and Supply Policy

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Our Production Management Policy

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Sustainability Policy

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Energy Management Policy

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